Calendar of Events

Be sure to check the MAW announcement line at (301) 907-3053 to check for the latest information on all MAW events listed below!

General MAW Foray Information and Rules. Call MAW’s voice mail line (301-907-3053, box 55) a few days before a scheduled foray, or Jon Ellifritz (301-422-7517), for confirmation and directions.

MAW Events (see also the Meetings page):

    6 Jan 2004, 7:00pm: MAW monthly meeting. The speaker will be Tina Ellor from Phillips Mushrooms. She will speak on Commercial Mushroom Cultivation

    3 Feb 2004, 7:00pm: MAW monthly meeting. Anita Phillips, Michael Reichgott & David Chalkley from the American Type Culture Collection (ATCC) will speak on the function of the Mycology Lab of the ATCC; the potential contributions of the collection to posterity; ongoing research in phylogeny and taxonomy; culturing and preserving techniques; the breadth of the collection; and how thousands of collectors, just like MAW members, have contributed to the collection making it an essential resource for mycologists, educators, cooks, and industry.

    2 Mar 2004, 7:00pm: MAW monthly meeting.

    6 Apr 2004, 7:00pm: MAW monthly meeting. Dr. Cathie Amie, from USDA's Systematic Botany and Mycology Laboratory, will speak about the mushrooms of Guyana.

Other (Non-MAW-Sponsored) Mushroom Events:

    17-19 Jan 2004: SOMA Winter Camp; Guest Speaker, Gary Lincoff. Registration deadline is January 7, 2004.

    18-21 July 2004:
    Mycological Society of America Annual Meeting, Ashville, North Carolina.  Joint forays with NAMA are planned.

    30 July-5 August 2005: Mycological Society of America Annual Meeting joint meeting with the Mycological Society of Japan. Hilo, Hawaii

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MAW, PO Box 76533, Washington, DC 20002
(301) 907-3053
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